Saturday, October 30, 2010


WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES”, these familiar words are the opening and words of the Constitution of the United States of America. To answer who these “we” are we have to find out who “Americans “are or simply put figuring out what it’s like to be an American and what American identity is. On the other hand we have to discover the core elements of the American identity. Identity could be defined as "a sense of self that develops as the child differentiates from parents and family and takes a place in society."  The important sources of this identity are nationality, ethnicity, gender and class. In short the source of national identity of any country lies in its history, language, religion and other social backgrounds which bind people of a nation together. Language can be one core element of national identity and at the same time one of the most important of them. As journalist Michael Lind argues in his critique of multiculturalism, 'Of all the elements of a national culture, language is by far the most important' (Lind, 1995, p. 264). According to Samuel Huntington English culture is a key component of American identity. So English culture brings with itself English language. Many recent academic publications in American cultural studies share the premise that 'Nations are not born, but made. And they are made, ineluctably, in language' (Looby, 1996, p. 1)"(3). Morrow believes that "English, as the common language, is the instrument that reconciles differences of race, ethnicity, creed, and national origin and thus creates a common culture and common values."

Of all elements of American national identity, undoubtedly Liberalism is the one which Americans are known with around the world. For many people Americanism is equal to Liberalism and at the same time Liberalism equals to Americanism. Simply put liberalism is widely seen as the defining essence of American political culture (Hartz 1955). It stresses minimal government intervention in private life and promotes economic and political freedoms along with equality of opportunity. Countless studies have documented its enduring influence over elites, masses, and institutions (e.g., Citrin, Haas, Muste, and Reingold 1994; Feldman 1988; Lipset 1963; McClosky and Zaller 1984).accordingly it means that individuals and group members respect the laws and the institutions of the US. Apart, they pursue blessings and economic success through hard working. Letting people to speak out and express their ideas or to practice their religious affairs freely is part of liberalism which is highly respected in American society and culture.
Ethnoculturalism has also been a defining element of American identity which sets rigid boundaries on group membership. In its extreme, Ethnoculturalism maintains that Americans are white, English-speaking Protestants of northern European ancestry (Smith 1997).although since 9/11 there has been debates among elites and people as well to put some restrictions on full range of citizenship rights to people of certain ethnic and cultural groups. According to Huntington Protestantism is a crucial component of American identity. Most Americans are Christian and majorly they are Protestant 56 %.  And more than 83 % of them are white. (2009 data).
Other conception of American is Civic republicanism that emphasizes the responsibilities, rather than the rights of citizenship. It advances the notion that the well being of the community is more than just the sum of individualistic pursuits of private gain. Rather, a vibrant self-governing community needs individual members to act on its behalf (Banning 1986; Held 1996). In this view, we should all be involved in social and political life and pursue ends that serve the public good. As Tocqueville noted, pursuing the public good engenders pride and patriotism, which further motivate people to “labor for the good of the state” (1835 [1990, 243]). Indeed, seeing oneself and the political community as inseparable is a key part of the civic republican ideal (Dagger 1997; Petit 1997). Mainly this concept could easily be understood by large range of voluntarism in the US. Nearly 27% of Americans participated in voluntarily activities in 2007 which is higher than Europe and many countries around the world.
Hello, Hola, Shalom, Conichua, Calimera, Merjaba, Bon Giorno, Bon Jour and Anyounghaseo. These are just an example of some of the many languages spoken in America. Diversity is America. It is believe that Americans welcome people from around the world with open arms. The United States has been the country of the immigrants. Since its existence in 17th century large number of people from different parts of the world has moved to the US. They have been assimilated with the culture and the values of the American society. When they came to America, they were considered and treated as one thing and that is American. When they arrived there they started to melt into a pot called diversity. Surprisingly, although there is a wide range of culture, ethnicity and diversity, at the same time they are united. Unity and diversity could be defined as the other conceptions of American identity. Hector St. John de Crevecouer in his book, "letters from an American Farmer" (1782), mentioned that "I can indicate a family that their grandfather is from England with Poland's woman, his son got married with a French girl, and their four sons got married with four diverse nations. He is an American, who left his traditional behaviors and prejudices, and choused new behaviors and ideas. These treatments, ideas originate from new way of life, government, and social positions. Here, individuals from any nations melting within a new race that in future their attempts will bring important changes in globe". This basic and fundamental concept is known as “melting pot” in which various nationalities are assimilated.
 The Wars of Independence 1776-1783 led to American independency from Britain. It was first successful anti-colonial attempt in modern history. Founding Fathers built a nation that had not the common, conventional pre- conditions of nation-building. United States had not natural territory, history with unique religion versus European countries. There weren't Narrative, ancient poem, folklores, and forefathers of one race. And apart they are known as the first democratic nation in the modern history. All of these built the concept of “exceptionalism” in which it manifests that they are the “chosen nation” in the world. By exceptionalism they mean to be different and superior to others, and defining a mission to be supportive to the rest.
In conclusion American identity elements could be specified as individualism, liberalism, diversity and unity and exceptionalism this is the answer to who this “we” in the constitution of the US is. The “we”, throughout the history of the US has been broadening in meaning and concept this is because identities change and evolve as well.

Friday, October 15, 2010

During the past century the focal point in the world order has changed for several times. The change in the global order will lead to changes in politics and international relationship and new definition of the national interests. For instance the early years of the past century started with World War I (1914- 1918), which finally led to the creation of League of Nations with the support of the US President Woodrow Wilson ,not lasting for long, however. The shaky and unstable order after WW I finally ended with the beginning of the bloodiest war of all time with record in casualties and costs, damages. The end of WW II resulted in a new world order in which two super powers evoked from the ruins of the war in Europe. The war changed the world forever and it shifted the center of world power which lasted for centuries in Europe to Washington and Kremlin. The political, social, economical conflict between the new super powers inflated another war, Cold War, for half a century (1945-1991). Due to the rivalries during the Cold War, Europe was made the main focus and the center of the international politics and power struggle particularly for the US. To maintain peace and national interest treaties were signed such as NATO.  Apart, The US supported the democratization and liberalization of the European State such as Italy, Germany. Other than, America mainly helped to build institution worldwide such as UN, UNICEF, UNESCO, WTO, and IMF chiefly to maintain its national advantage and enhancing and improving social, economical, cultural conditions in countries around the world.
Cold War in Europe ( 1945-1991)
By the end of Cold War and the collapse of the USSR, world order changed anew. The US as the main global power shifted its focus from Europe, which was relatively, advocate of expanding democracy and sharing same values with the US. No major conflict in Europe, Berlin Wall dismantled and now EU is relatively in peace. Currently, the Middle East is the center and focus of US diplomacy and politics. Middle East is a geographical and cultural region located in southwestern Asia and northwestern Africa. In a broader sense Pakistan and Afghanistan could be included in this region. Middle East is playing a major role in world economy, more than 65 per cent of world oil reserve contained in the region .It is key in politics as well , nearly 90 per cent of its people are Muslim. The political structure, history and regional diplomacy have added to the importance of this region much more, as well. For instance frequently and repeatedly the events of the region are appeared in the headlines of the world media, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. September 11 attacks boosted the importance of the Middle East in US national interest. Although since long years ago the US has had military presence in the region and invaded Saddam in 1991 but mainly it is seeking to keep and develop its influence in the region, anew.

Middle East
 It is highly believed that the trend is akin to what happened in Europe during the Cold War, building democratic and liberal institution, supporting capitalism, freedom of media, etc. Apart, to reach its advantage US is trying to introduce some countries in the region as an imminent threat to the regional stability. The values which are supported by the US, in some cases by the use of arms, do not resemble the many of the states’ in the region. So, for the reason that Iran is located in the territory, naturally it is concerned about and interested in its national interest and it is increasingly thought that Iran actively plays an important role in the stability of the sphere. To reach and maintain the national and regional interest cooperation, by stressing out on commonalities such as Islam and shared values and historical ties should be accentuated to help to boost the domestic stability as well as regional. 

Friday, October 8, 2010


One of the immediate consequences of 9/11 terrorists attacks to the US was the declaration of war on terror which resulted in a prompt war in Afghanistan to topple down the Taliban regime. On October 7 US led forces invaded the Islamic militants and their strong holds and hidings in Afghanistan. An instant and prompt victory for the ISAF and Coalition forces made many to believe exultantly in capability and possibility of building a democracy with the force of arm mainly with its Western norms and standards. Despite holding several elections in recent years and creating relatively a small scale of civil society it is believed that the success is far further to reach .The main problem is instability and the texture of Afghanistan society. In recent parliamentary election which was held in September 2010 the Election Commission declared it is impossible to run and hold election in 12 states due to instability and insurgence. Surprisingly not any major power has been victorious in battlefields and wars in recent centuries; the clear example is the former Soviet Union.
 The relatively large scale of losses and no horizon of accomplishment and an end to the war and the persistent suicide bombings and attacks on NATO forces and civilians has made the situation difficult for the US and Western politicians and Afghan leaders, as well. In addition the public support for the war on terror particularly war in Afghanistan has been diminishing. Apart, several changes in strategies have not led to clear achievements yet. It is currently thought that mainly US and its allies if possible will be contented by minimum norms of democracy to make a “democratic” Afghanistan but much more delighted with a “stable and secure” one in order to be able to withdraw forces . They really are baffled and puzzled with the situation in the country. They are still raising the number of troops in the battle fields to fight with the militants.
The lessons which could be taken from war in Afghanistan would be pretty nice for the international community. It led many to support the view that democracy, civil society and liberty could not be imposed on any nation mainly and solely with the force of arms particularly on a nation with large scale of differences. Partly Afghans and its allies have achieved many things but the point is there are still much more things to obtain.  

Friday, October 1, 2010


Since its existence as an independent state in 1776, as the United State of America, it has been difficult to ignore its role and power in global arena .since 1888, only a century after its existence the United States of America has been the largest economy in the world and probably it is for the first time in the history of mankind that a country has been the greatest economical power for more than half of its lifetime, 122 years out of 234 years. It also plays a pivotal role in the global economy. In terms of military, culture, education, politics. The U.S is a major and key player in the world. The main question which arises in the minds of many scholars and people, as well, is what the source of this power for the young nation, in comparison with Italy, Egypt, France, England …, is. In addition it should be mentioned that the U.S is the mosaic of different cultures, race, and people. And this could be considered potentially and normally as a source of threat and danger to the unity of the Young Nation. While the diversity of the population in the U.S has been the source of innovation and advancement it has been the cause and source of friction, as well. But the establishment and society of the US could have decreased and lessened the clashes and quarrel throughout its history.

To find out what the main source of US power is, the American system of beliefs should be put into consideration. The main features of American system of beliefs or simply put “ American Ideology” are : liberty , equality, the rule of law , tolerance toward “ the others “ , democracy , accountability .Due to the expansion of US power and influence and the attractiveness of its ideology this is known worldwide as “AMERICANISM” which itself is being considered as a brand .

Reviewing and taking a look into the public opinion polls helps us to crystallize some aspects of American Ideology such as liberty and tolerance. Based on the public opinion on civil liberties since 1940 – 1998 the general and overall trend toward tolerance and liberty has been an increasing trend there are also slight decreases on the issue, though. When people were asked questions like this “There are always some people whose ideas are considered bad or dangerous by other people. For instance, somebody who admits he is a communist. If such a person wanted to make and give a speech in your city/town, should he be allowed to speak or not? “Polls show an upward trend in allowing an admitted communist to speak up. The rate is nearly 27% in 1954 while it stands in 64% in 1996. (1) At the same time the percentage of people who agree on allowing an admitted communist to teach in college increases dramatically from only 6% in 1954 to 57% in 1996. (2)
This capability of the society and system in reviewing and reproducing the values is believed to be the main source of immense power of the US. Through this process they could have turned their potential enemies and adversaries to reliable and true companions and allies outside and inside, as well. Those who even were not able to be served in the White restaurants now their sons and descendants could climb into the power peacefully and democratically. Accordingly the US has the least number of opponents or “others” inside and outside, as well. This could be the answer but there are or may be more than one answer.

(1) Harold Stanley and Richard G. Niemi, Vital Statistics on American Politics 1999-2000
(Washington, DC Congressional Quarterly Press,2000) table 3.14,pp150-1
(2) same source